
Remember how I said *anything* is possible in a Lucid Dream? Well, it is, but only if you *believe* that. What you believe in a Lucid Dream is very powerful, because your thoughts will create that reality virtually instantly. And this includes limiting beliefs too. As Henry Ford said: “Believe you can, believe you can’t; either way you’re right!” And don’t forget: “the impossible is achieved by those who believe it possible.” For example, you might be merrily flying along and think, “but this is impossible” – only to find the next moment you are plummeting to the ground –

There is an important underlying factor that makes all Lucid Dreaming techniques work. Whatever you do to induce a Lucid Dream confirms to your mind that you are serious about having one. The effectiveness of any technique comes down to this: how strongly are you confirming your intent to have a Lucid Dream with it? Perhaps the simplest technique is to tell yourself as you are going to sleep, “I will wake up in my dreams tonight.” And yet, depending on the emotion you put behind this statement, your subconscious might not take you all that seriously… Other techniques that

Some people with a sceptical ‘scientific outlook’ maintain that astral projection and out of body experiences are just lucid dreams in which we are dreaming that we are out of our body. It’s an interesing point of view to have in that it really doesn’t fit as a plausible explanation given the ‘data set’ of people’s experience. For example, the massive amount of data gathered on out of bodies through Near Death Experiences cannot be written off that easily. What makes these experiences ‘proof’ of actual being out of body is the reports of those having had them that give