out of body

Some people with a sceptical ‘scientific outlook’ maintain that astral projection and out of body experiences are just lucid dreams in which we are dreaming that we are out of our body. It’s an interesing point of view to have in that it really doesn’t fit as a plausible explanation given the ‘data set’ of people’s experience. For example, the massive amount of data gathered on out of bodies through Near Death Experiences cannot be written off that easily. What makes these experiences ‘proof’ of actual being out of body is the reports of those having had them that give

This is an extremely thorough course, covering everything you need to know about Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection induction techniques. The insights are profound and original, and the information is all first-rate. It was written with the intention of being the best Lucid Dreaming guide available anywhere, so it’s really jam-packed from start to finish. This one will be a stayer folks! Consisting of five books, it’s really going to take you places… The first book is a free introduction to lucid dreaming and astral projection. The second book is intended to prepare you and clear the way for these